how much does solar cost?

The cost of solar energy has decreased dramatically in the last decade. It used to be that without government issued tax credits and other incentives, solar was costly and made financial sense to only a small few. However, with the implementation of programs like net metering, 0-down financing options, and a decreased cost of producing and installing systems, thousands of people now take advantage of solar at the same monthly cost as their current electric bill. Only for them, once their system is paid off, they own their electricity and have no monthly payments for the lifetime of their system.

To make things even more affordable, there are still many areas that offer financial incentives for investing in solar. The US Government currently offers a 30% tax credit (ITC) toward the cost of your system. Other state and local utilities will have similar programs, or even cash rebates to help cover the cost of your system. Below is an example of how that could look. For a detailed solar analysis for your home, request a quote today.


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