Does Solar Energy Help the Environment?

Solar Energy helps the environment by drastically decreasing your home’s carbon emission. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), each American household accounts for 20 metric tons of carbon emissions every year. Because most solar energy systems are still tied to the electrical grid, this number does not go away by going solar. However, most households with a solar energy system cut back on their carbon emissions by 3 to 4 metric tons. This is possible because by using renewable energy sources like solar, your utility provider emits less carbon to meet the electrical needs of its customers.

While it is true that larger amounts of people will need to invest in renewable energy to make significant cuts on carbon emissions globally, 3 to 4 tons of emission cutbacks for your home is not a small number. In fact, every KW of solar has the same environmental impact as removing thousands of vehicles from America’s roadways, or planting thousands of new trees. Request a quote today to find out just how much you could impact the environment by investing in solar energy.

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