Where would you like to install solar?


How does solar actually work for my home?

Contrary to what some people think, going solar is not always about going “off-grid”, or becoming completely independent from your utility provider. In fact, that kind of system is much more rare. Instead, the majority of people who utilize solar power take advantage of an incentive known as Net Metering. Your current electrical meter is a one-way meter, meaning it only measures how much electricity is being pulled from the electrical grid to your home.


When you install a solar system, a Net Meter will replace your current electrical meter, allowing a two-way flow of electricity. This means it will measure the amount of electricity pulled from the grid, as well as the electricity sent back to the grid from your home. When your solar panels produce more electricity than your home needs, a net meter allows you to send electricity back to the grid and store it there in the form of credits. Your meter will actually run in reverse, and will build up electrical credits for you to use later. That way, during time periods when your panels are under-producing, such as night time or snowy conditions, you can use those credits and still receive free electricity. 


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